If you are selling an item on an auction site and are accepting payment through PayPal, you could fall victim to a PayPal email scam. In these cases, scammers agree to buy an item from you and to make payment through PayPal. But instead of making payment, they send you a fake email that looks like one from PayPal stating that the money has been sent to you. You are asked to provide shipment details or pay an admin fee before the payment can be released to you. Thinking that this is true, you mail the item.
- Always log on to your PayPal account to verify that payment has indeed been made before sending the item; do not trust the email, even if the address from which it originated appears legitimate
- Never download attachments or software programs attached in such emails. Clicking on these could harm your computer and leave it susceptible to being hacked
- Never give out personal information such as bank account numbers of credit card numbers via email
- Be aware that if PayPal really needs your information, it would send you a request to login safely to your account before you provide that information
Source: Scam Alert Singapore